Saturday, February 2, 2008

2/2/08 WATCHMEN Ch. 1-4

Ok now this is what I was expecting when I heard we were studying graphic novels. So far, I loooove Watchmen. I like how it has superheroes that are living in a world that is a lot like ours with slight deviations. The way history is incorporated and influenced by the intervention of superheroes while still producing the same outcomes is crazy. I like how in this novel, superheroes led us to victory in war.

I was a little confused in chapter 4 with Jon's crazy concept of time. His continual bouncing between different events and time lost me a bit but at the end of it, I appreciated its creativity. I also really enjoy Hollis Mason's intermittent autobiography. I thought the story in which he opens his book was real clever and definitely made it easier to read large blocks of text between graphics.

A few questions... ok, so does Laurie smoke a crack pipe? Page 2 of chapter 2, whatever it is she's smoking, I'm pretty sure it's not legal. And I'm not crazy about Jon's choice to alter his costume into a thong. Superhero or not, no man should wear a thong.

Finally, Rorschach is a badass. He reminds me of the Marv character in the movie Sin City, just a big bullying badass. Kind of excited to see what happens next.

1 comment:

David Paine said...

One of the coolest things about Rorschach in these early chapters is that we see him briefly in a flashback, and the way he speaks is a lot different - a lot more normal. It really makes you think about what motivates him and how he's changed. Rorschach is awesome, in a kind of Batman-vigilante way.