Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fun Hizome

Well we finished up our comic and I'm pretty sure it's safe to say, ours is by far the best we've seen.
Brian's artwork was seriously ridiculous and captured our story perfectly.

Anyways, so for the first time in a while I'm actually enjoying the novel we're reading. Fun Home has some of the typical graphic novel themes we've been dealing with, ex: nudity, homosexuality, but for some reason I'm enjoying it much more than Stuck Rubber Baby. Maybe because Bechdel is constantly referencing Camus, who is one of my favorite authors, and maybe because her family owns a funeral home, which reminds me of my ex-boyfriend. His dad owned a funeral home, and his mom.... was a clown. seriously. She went to clown college. Needless to say, that was an interesting family. They had fourth of July parties at the funeral home and they used caskets as coolers for the brewskis. Anyways, Bechdel's attitude towards death reminded me of my exes family and seemed real and kind of funny.

I also like the art in Fun Home. It's alot more 'comicky' than the other novels and I think it just sets it up as a more comfortable read. It's also interesting that the narration occurs above the frames most of the time rather than in them. Overall, I'm enjoying this novel. One of my only complaints is in the frames that have written letters in them. Most of the writing is illegible and it's frustrating not being able to read it. At the same time though, I think that's kind of a clever technique.

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