Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blankets 8&9, 1/30

I was definitely relieved when reading the last two chapters of Blankets. I'm glad Craig grew a pair and realized he could be independent from not only Raina, but also his family and his religion. I think that Raina used Craig for the sake of him being completely devoted to her and I think Craig had a way unhealthy obsession with her. I'm also glad Craig realized that he didn't need to feel guilty about everything he did and that his religion was the reason he was feeling like that. Overall, I'm glad it's over.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

1-23 Blankets Ch 3-5

In reading chapters 3-5 of Blankets, I got kind of angry. I've gone to Christian camps and things and can relate to overly religious fanatics and I find them extremely annoying. I feel like Craig finally starts to take notice that he cannot find absolute certainty in religion as he feels like an outcast from camp and feels guilty about almost everything. I'm hoping in the next few chapters he realizes that religion isn't a fix-all solution.

The crazy preacher on the quad reminds me of the religious figures in Blankets in that they make everything appear to be a sin. Ignore the lame commentary.

I also thought the drawings on page 209 were an interesting display of how one graphic novel can use a variety of different drawing styles ranging from realistic to very cartoon-like.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

1/16- Blankets 1, McCloud 1&2

These readings were my first experiences with graphic novels. Both of these readings completely changed my concept and understanding of comics. McCloud's first two chapters went way more into depth than I thought was even possible. I really enjoy the way McCloud interprets why simple symbols and images are more popular with wider audiences. The different types and styles of graphic novels, cartoons and comics is surprising and interesting to evaluate. I personally was amazed by the realistic details that certain comic backgrounds portray. Blankets is the very first graphic novel I've ever read and so far, I really enjoy it. I never realized that comics existed in this type of format and I really am excited to continue the readings. It was hard to stop after the first chapter because I feel like it is setting up a crazy interesting storyline. My past knowledge of comics and graphic novels has led me to believe that all characters exhibit supernatural powers so I'm wondering if Craig will develop into a superhero. His backstory would lead to some intense revenge situations so I'm looking forward to see what will happen.